Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Earn Money By Placing Banners On Your Site

The banners that will help you make money on your site are pretty easy to find. What you want to look for are the affiliate programs. Affiliate programs can be found through many companies throughout the net. These companies will pay you commission based on the sales made from your Web site.
One way to sign up for these affiliate programs is to search for a company you think your visitors will buy from. Then search their site for their affiliate program and sign up for it.
Affiliate Companies On Web
There are many companies on web that will help you find affiliates to sign up for. These companies will not only give you list of affiliates but they will also give you statistics for each of the companies. They can tell you what percentage you will earn, how well they pay and what the average person makes when they link to them from their Web site.After you sign up with one of these companies, and get a couple banners up on your site, you will be able to track everything that goes on with each affiliate. When you log into the site you will be shown which affiliates you have signed up for. Then you will be able to click on the name of one of the affiliates and find out how many times people have clicked on the banner and if they bought anything

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